Tell me … What is SANA PRETA?
SANA PRETA is a supplement to your soil so that your soil produces everything your plant needs by itself.
-Everything?  Yes, everything. No more fertilizing or ph/ec control is needed.
All you have to do is provide the water supply to the plant.

And how are the results on cannabis with SANA PRETA?
Brilliant. Unimaginable for anyone who spends a lot of money on fertilizer that it can be done without. Our long expertise in Living Soil allows us to promise you even more than what you get out of other fertilizer methods. In quality, purity, %-THC and in quantity of yield.

Are there any reasons not to grow on LIVING SOIL with SANA PRETA?
No. For your cannabis and any other plant, it’s the best thing you can do for them, yourself and your environment.

That it is great for the plant I understand, but why for “me and the environment”?
As soon as you consume your plant in any form, you poison your body with fertilizer residues that your body has to process. And for the environment you also do something, because you do not have to buy and dispose fertilizers in plastic packaging every cycle!


Tell me … What is SANA PRETA?
SANA PRETA is a supplement to your soil so that your soil produces everything your plant needs by itself.
-Everything?  Yes, everything. No more fertilizing or ph/ec control is needed.
All you have to do is provide the water supply to the plant.

And how are the results on cannabis with SANA PRETA?
Brilliant. Unimaginable for anyone who spends a lot of money on fertilizer that it can be done without. Our long expertise in Living Soil allows us to promise you even more than what you get out of other fertilizer methods. In quality, purity, %-THC and in quantity of yield.

Are there any reasons not to grow on LIVING SOIL with SANA PRETA?
No. For your cannabis and any other plant, it’s the best thing you can do for them, yourself and your environment.

That it is great for the plant I understand, but why for “me and the environment”?
As soon as you consume your plant in any form, you poison your body with fertilizer residues that your body has to process. And for the environment you also do something, because you do not have to buy and dispose fertilizers in plastic packaging every cycle!

Ok, so only one question remains… What soil to use as a base?
You CAN use it on any soil, but of course we recommend organic certified substrates – you can find them H E R E!
Preferably no pre-fertilized substrates.

Is there anything else to know about Sana Preta?
A LOT, yes. Apart from the fact that you should pay attention with the pot selection to the fact that the pot (mostly the ignorant ones choose plastic on the basis of the price…) does not deliver softeners and other poisonous chemicals to your soil! There is otherwise still so much to add about the product and if you feel like it, I explain everything in detail!

Ok, but first what do you recommend as pots for products?
ROOT RIOT manufactures handmade POTS and BEDS for your plants made in Spain. So whether in a round shape or the square shaped beds known from California, we offer you high quality, hand-made homes for your loved ones. Of course, sustainability and quality is the main focus for us. If you don’t like the sizes, we also make them in your desired custom size!

You say there is still a lot to learn about the product… What makes SANA PRETA stand out?
SANA PRETA is free of peat, coconut fiber and perlite and is made from recycled, regional raw materials.
The result of using SANA PRETA is a very nutrient-rich soil, which contains all the important microorganisms and fungi to ensure a persistent supply of all important nutrients to the plants which profit from the airflow of the pots a lot.
The excellent storage capacity of the substrate creates a nutrient buffer from which the plants can constantly help themselves, while microorganisms replenish the buffer.
To achieve optimal growth and the simplest possible application, parameters such as nutrient requirements during the individual growth cycles of the various plants, as well as scientific expertise from soil science, were applied and implemented.

The other advantages:
No time-consuming re-fertilization with complicated fertilization schemes, no problems with over- or under-fertilization and reduced water consumption with optimal supply to the plant.
It is a sustainable soil activating product which supplies the plants with all important nutrients and trace elements during the complete vegetation, flowering and fruiting phase.
It helps the plants to achieve optimal growth and a rich development of all active substances and ingredients.
The rich soil life in the form of microorganisms, fungi and microorganisms ensures healthier plants, which are thus also naturally more resistant to pests and diseases.
The buffering effect compensates for fluctuations and cultivation errors, thus ensuring consistently high quality with consistent yields.

You said at the beginning the only thing I have to do is water the plants?
Right, of course not too much or too little and pay attention to water quality!
Rainwater or plain stale tap water is optimal. You can let your tap water stand for 24 hours and aerate with a bubbling stone for 2 to 4 hours to remove the chlorine. The ph-value of the water does not need to be corrected by “ph-plus” or “ph-minus” products.
Make sure your substrate never dries out and always remains slightly moist as this is essential for microbial soil life. Waterlogging should be avoided.
If you use plastic pots, a drainage of about 2 cm perlite or expanded clay in the bottom of your pot is recommended.

How many liters of your product do I need per liter of soil?
We recommend mixing 1.5 to 2 liters of SANA PRETA with 10 liters of substrate.
This corresponds to 15-20% of the amount of substrate.
In order to activate the soil and get the best results, the mixture should be mixed and watered 5 to 7 days in advance so that the microorganisms and fungi can fully populate the substrate.

After you have thoroughly mixed your soil and SANA PRETA, water it lightly and pour it back into the bag you took your substrate from or another container, which you can cover and leave to mature in a cool, dark place for 7 to 10 days.

After that, your Living Soil is ready and only needs to be planted.

What do I do with the soil when my plant is harvested?
In any case, do not throw it away, soil never dies with good care.
After harvesting, remove the coarse root debris, mix your substrate with “worm humus” or compost and let it “mature” for a few days before replanting.

If you don’t fertilize anymore, can you still improve the result?
You can use so-called “compost teas” to increase the biodiversity of your “living soil” and thus increase the processes in the soil.
A recommended alternative is e.g. “mammoth p” from Growcentia.

The perfect complement to SANA PRETA living soil are our “organic little helper seeds”, also called “cover crop” or companion plants.
These are sown on the surface of the soil and together with the plant you planted and the Living Soil they form their own ecosystem, the so-called “soil food web”, from which your plant can benefit extremely.

How did you come up with such a genious product?
We designed SANA PRETA also with the many patients in mind, who need a pure and natural product – without heavy metals and other chemical residues.

SANA PRETA is therefore also perfectly suitable for ecological cultivation according to the eg-regulation.

What are actually the ingredients of SANA PRETA?
Organic quality compost – perfectly balanced, worm humus, wood fiber, biochar, quartz sand, brick chippings, sulfur, horn shavings, algae, palm ash, lava rock powder, bat guano, kelp, alfalfa, wine yeast, alperujo, shrimp flour, epsom salt, karanja cake, endo/ectomycorrhiza, EM, trichoderma and other microorganisms.

Approved for organic cultivation according to EC organic regulation nr.834/2007 & 889/2008
NR.834/2007 & 889/2008 CERTIFIED.